Old School Promotion.
Here's the deal. You send us a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) and we will send you some stickers. No Paypal, No e-mail, No Phone call. Low tech. This is how it used to be done back in the day. Any attempts to get sticker via electronic format will be ignored. If you don't know what a SASE is, take an envelope (they still make them) put your address as the return address and the sending address and put a stamp on it, the USPS needs the money anyway. Then, you take that unsealed, unlicked envelope and put it in another envelope to the below address and we will send you some stickers.
Atomic Cycles
c/o Sticker Promo
17322 Saticoy
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Send us a buck or two and two stamps and and we'll send you more stickers.
Send us five bucks and make your SASE a 6 x 9 envelope with 3 stamps and we'll load you up with a mess of stickers and our dazzling catalog.